Creating Content with The Humble Mechanic - Autoshop Solutions

Creating Content with The Humble Mechanic

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Creating Content with The Humble Mechanic

Autoshop Academy, Internet Marketing, Social Media, Video

A Look into How Your Shop Can Benefit From Content

Recently, Tony Mercury, VP of Revenue at Autoshop Solutions, sat down with Charles Sanville, aka The Humble Mechanic, to discuss "all things content" and how consistency is key. Sanville is a Master Certified Volkswagen Technician by trade who spent 20 years working at a dealership on Volkswagen and Audi vehicles. Around 2011, he started creating content-sharing videos as a way to connect with his customers. In 2017, he left the dealership he was working at to focus strictly on content. Now he operates The Humble Mechanic website, doing videos and podcasts, sharing information, and serving the automotive community.

Sanville says his content looked nothing like it does today when he first started and encourages shop owners and technicians not to be afraid to share content about what’s happening in and around their shop. In general, people are interested in people. Your content doesn’t have to be well-produced, scripted, or well-thought-out. You don’t need fancy equipment or editing skills to make a quick video and upload it to your social media. Most everyone owns a smartphone with a sufficient camera to film a quality quick video that may get you and your shop a little recognition.

It can be intimidating, Sanville admits, but don’t make excuses saying you don’t have the right equipment. He encourages techs to share unique content, such as something going on in your shop, a tip, or a quick view of a dirty air filter vs. a clean one.

“The vibe I would want to give someone is here’s us. Here’s who we are and what we are about and a digital version of the experience you would get if you brought your car here,” Sanville said.

He admits your content may not do well at first. You may not get a lot of views or much out of it. However, if you do 30 or more videos, eventually, one of them will do well.

Watch the Academy video by clicking here: . To watch the complete video with The Humble Mechanic visit

To learn more about The Humble Mechanic, visit his website at

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