Measuring and Maintaining SEO Success | Autoshop Solutions

Are You Going Far Enough With SEO?

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Are You Going Far Enough With SEO?

Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization

Finding the Balance Between Users & Computers

Optimizing your website for search engines is essential to get your brand in front of users. If search engines don’t recognize or approve of your website, it will be difficult for anyone to find it. But is it possible to go too far in trying to appease the search engine algorithm wizards? We have to remember that websites are for people to use. And in the cases of automotive businesses, websites should be turning those people into paying customers!

What is SEO? For business owners who start marketing, the term SEO is probably a familiar concept. Search Engine Optimization is pretty much exactly as it sounds: optimizing for search engines. In basic terms, the idea is to improve your digital presence so that search engines view your brand as favorably as possible. So the next question is how does SEO help my business?

1. Have a Great Website

SEO is about building strong authority so that your target customer can find you when an applicable search is made — something like “auto repair near me,” for example. Building authority usually starts with a website. (Don’t have one? We can build one for you!) Having an awesome website with high-quality content about your services, such as oil changes or bumper repair, is great for search engines since it shows them you know what you’re talking about.

2. The User Experience

If your website doesn’t funtion well or if the content doesn’t help people find what they’re looking for, it will not be successful. Think about your own online habits. Isn’t it frustrating when a page loads too slowly, is broken, or doesn’t contain the subject matter you’re looking for? Starting in June 2021, Google is launching on-page experience as a ranking factor into its algorithm. So it’s extremely important to ensure your website delivers for the customer.

3. Rankings Matter, But Results Matter More

The goal of SEO is turning potential customers into actual customers. If you focus solely on ranking well, you may end up in a situation where you’ve tailored your SEO for the search engine, but not for the user and your website may not yield the results you are looking for. So how can you know if your website and marketing efforts are yielding results? There are better methods focused on measuring results rather than rankings.

Measuring Success

  • One of the best tools to view your business’ marketing success is Google Analytics. It tracks how many visitors come to your website and how those users interact with your website. Did they take any action, like scheduling an appointment or making a phone call? Knowing how many online appointments and calls to your shop you are receiving is the gauge of marketing success!
  • Establishing how many actual customers you have acquired via conversion tracking through all the organic channels, including Google My Business, your website, and others, is super important for measuring success.

More Clicks, More Customers, More Cars

If you feel like your marketing needs improvement to get you to reach your goals, contact our experts for more information. Autoshop Solutions is here to help automotive businesses succeed online! Our SEO team can help your shop get found online so you get more cars in your bays!

Autoshop Solutions

Autoshop Solutions