What’s New in AdWords? - Autoshop Solutions

At the Google I/O Keynote in May, Google announced several new features being tested and expected to roll out later this year.

What's New in AdWords?

Expanded text ads

Earlier this year, Google announced that it would roll out expanded text ads, allowing advertisers to use more characters in traditional text ads. Now, advertisers are limited to one 25-character headline and two 35-character description lines, but later this year we’ll be able to use two 30-character headlines and one 80-character description line. What does this mean for your marketing? With right-side ads removed, Google now offers a streamlined ad experience. Expanded text ads will be more mobile-friendly and optimized for smart phones. With more and more users searching on mobile, a better mobile experience could be your bottom line.

Responsive remarketing and display ads

RWD, or responsive website design, has been Google’s preferred design style for over a year, and they’re following suit with advertising services. Responsive display ads solve a big problem for advertisers – the need to create multiple ad sizes. With responsive ads, the image will adapt to the size of the space, meaning advertisers only need to create one ad. Tablet and mobile experience will improve for users who query the display network or who are targeted through a remarketing campaign.

Mobile vs. Tablet vs. Desktop bidding

Previously, tablet and desktop bids were lumped into one base group while advertisers could increase or decrease mobile bid adjustments. Recognizing that more and more users are searching on mobile, Google AdWords will allow advertisers to choose their device type for a base bid. When this change rolls out, mobile ads can be the base bid with modifiers applied to desktop and tablet.

Promoted pins in Google Maps

Recently, Google began showing ads in the Local Finder or what some call the maps pack. Businesses not ranking in the maps have the opportunity to be found at the top of maps listings if a user clicks to see more listings. Now, Google is introducing promoted pins. Users will see promoted pins or promoted locations nearby when using Maps. Google is still testing the implementation of promoted pins, and we expect to see updates over time.

As we know more about how and when these new features are implemented, we’ll update you! Stay tuned!

Abby Lancaster

Abby Lancaster