How to Involve Yourself in Your Community - Autoshop Solutions

How to Involve Yourself in Your Community

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How to Involve Yourself in Your Community

Giving back to the community around your shop is a great way to invest in those who support your business. Whether you host a car wash for a local youth group or teach a boy scout troop about the importance of automotive maintenance, there are plenty of ways to get your business involved in your community. Here are some tips on how you can step up to the plate, get involved and volunteer in your community.

Recognize the Importance

With the responsibilities of owning and operating a business, finding the time and energy to give back to your community can be challenging. Look for ways to be proactive within the walls of your shop. You could host a toy drive, sell baked goods, or donate a portion of your revenue to support breast cancer. Think creatively, and don’t forget the impact you could have on those around you who might end up bringing their vehicles to your shop for service.

Give More than Money

While a financial contribution on behalf of your business will be more than welcomed by many organizations in your community, there is also the need for able-bodied men and women to volunteer their time. Consider closing up shop an hour early or scheduling a day of volunteering on the weekend with you and your team. Don’t forget to wear branded shirts (featuring your business logo), and bring a few business cards to hand out.

Partner with a Charity/Organization

Building relationships amongst fellow community members is an important piece to getting involved and making a difference. Take time to research local charities and volunteer opportunities near your shop that you would be interested in partnering with. Your shop could sponsor a local youth baseball team and supply them with new jerseys or provide space for monthly pet adoption events for a local shelter.

Encourage Customer Participation

There is no better way to show your support of the community than getting the members of the community involved as well. Consider hosting a Toys for Tots drive or feeding the hungry campaign, and encourage customers to bring in items to donate. Your shop could even provide an incentive for donating, such as ten percent of your next oil change or a free wash at their next visit.

Volunteer Year-Round

The holidays tend to bring out a giving spirit in everyone, but don’t let your volunteering start and end in such a short period of time. Be proactive, and look out for opportunities to support your community all year. Use the holidays to kick your volunteering into gear and encourage your team to support the cause with you.

Here at Autoshop Solutions, we volunteer with a local camp called Victory Junction every year! We’d love to hear how your business is giving back to your community! Share your ideas and involvement with us in the comments below!

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Autoshop Solutions