2021 Goal Setting for Auto Repair Shops | Autoshop Solutions

New Year Goal-Setting for Auto Repair Teams

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New Year Goal-Setting for Auto Repair Teams

Making 2021 Count

We all know how 2020 went. In fact, most of us have experienced some type of set back. 2020 was supposed to be the year of growth, the time to roll out those new business ideas and plans. That didn’t go as planned once we got to March. It started out for me as, “we’ll be back to normal by June,” quickly turning into “I hope we are back to normal by March of next year.”

Do you know what I found out, though? My goals, resolutions, and dreams didn’t stop when the pandemic hit. I just had to put them on the back burner while we assessed our business, our procedures and policies, and our livelihoods. Let’s change that this year.

Setting Goals for Your Shop

Think about your goals — for yourself, your team, and your business. Sit down and close your eyes and think about it. What’s your ideal day to day look like? Is it not turning wrenches any more? Is it hiring someone for the front counter? Getting another technician? Raise your ARO? Take a week-long vacation? You won’t get there without writing these down.

How We Set Goals at Autoshop Solutions

Every year I sit down with our sales team and have them fill out a goals and resolutions worksheet. I have broken it down into five categories: Professional, Personal, Financial, Physical, and Relational. There’s room for three goals in each category. Sometimes we fill it up, and sometimes we don’t. Sometimes we have to add more spots. Once everyone is done, we get together and read them out loud in front of everyone. Why? Speaking your goals manifests them.

We also challenge each other when we hear them. If the goal is “lose weight,” we turn it into smaller attainable goals. Maybe it turns into losing 20 pounds this year, 5 pounds every three months. That’s more realistic and quantifiable versus “lose weight.” Our health, both mental and physical, affect our daily lives and our businesses. Don’t forget these when setting goals! The next step is to start measuring your success. Look at this sheet regularly. Put it somewhere you can see it every single day. I keep mine posted at my workspace so I don’t lose sight.

Putting Goals Into Action

The goals you set for your business or the ones you come up with together with your team might be different, so how you go about accomplishing them will be too. We encourage you to start small with actions that are attainable and measurable. I challenge you to approach 2021 differently than any year in the past. Sit down and write your goals, then find a friend, family member, or mentor and read them out loud to them. Have them challenge you on what you wrote down and fine-tune from there. Performing the exercise as a team is a great way to build better routines and promote accountability.

Want to talk more about your auto repair shop’s business growth goals for 2021? We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us today!

Tony Mercury

Tony Mercury