Jordan Wise, Author at Autoshop Solutions

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Let’s Talk About CTAs

Let’s Talk About CTAs

Get Customers to Take Action In website development and marketing, we often talk about your CTA. CTA means “Call to Action.” On your website, think about the call to action as the action you want a potential customer to do. Do you want them to call you, contact you online, schedule a service, or learn more about your company? You may want them to do several different tasks while on your site – which is... Continue Reading

Jordan Wise

Jordan Wise


"You Are The Expert" - But WE Are A Team

When you’re starting a marketing program and building a website, there are a lot of options. It can be difficult to figure out where to start and what you need to do. That is where we want to help! We are here to guide you through everything from website design, to choosing SEO keywords, to responding to customer reviews. This process, however, is a two-way street. Though we are the experts, your feedback matters! Often... Continue Reading

Jordan Wise

Jordan Wise


Building a Website: Finding the Right Balance

Building a Website: Finding the Right Balance

Taking Everything Into Consideration There are a lot of considerations that go into creating a new website. From identifying your audience to functionality needs to brand representation — a lot of little pieces start to add up. With so many options, how do you choose what takes priority? It is important to keep in mind that your website is a tool for your customers and potential customers. Since they are the ones who will be... Continue Reading

Jordan Wise

Jordan Wise


Use Your Customers To Help Your Marketing!

Use Your Customers To Help Your Marketing!

We all know that marketing is important for your business – how else will people find out about you and your services? Having an informative and easy-to-navigate website, showing up in search engine results, being visible on social media, etc. all help potential customers find your shop. While a lot of these marketing pieces do have a cost, there are things you can do for free (or close to free) to help boost what you... Continue Reading

Jordan Wise

Jordan Wise


The Do's & Don'ts of Email Marketing

The Do's & Don'ts of Email Marketing

Think about how many emails you receive in a day. How many do you open? What type of content keeps your attention? How do you interact with emails? Email marketing has become a pervasive and effective tool over the last few years. In that time, marketers have begun to figure out how consumers interact with emails they receive and what makes some campaigns more successful than others. While each audience is difference, there are a... Continue Reading

Jordan Wise

Jordan Wise
