Why don’t I see my ads when I search in Google? - Autoshop Solutions

Your Adwords are set to run in a way that will maximize your daily budget. The standard setting in Adwords will run your ads evenly throughout the day, to give you the best opportunity to reach users throughout the day, every day.

It’s important to keep in mind that part of the equation in ranking your ads is based on your average ‘CTR’, or click-through-rate. This percentage is calculated by taking the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions (how many times your ads show). Every time you search for yourself and trigger your Google Adwords ads, and then don’t click the ad (since you’ll charge yourself for that click!), you’re bringing down your Adwords CTR. Unfortunately, your ads will start to suffer lower placement as a direct result.

We understand wanting to see where your ads are displaying in Google, and much of this information is available in your Autoshop Lab account. We’re happy to go over your Adwords performance with you any time, and can usually provide you with screenshots and other ways to track and measure your ad performance. Ultimately, we suggest a phone tracking number, which is incorporated in most of our marketing packages, so we can see exactly how many customers are converting from your online marketing strategies.

Autoshop Solutions

Autoshop Solutions